Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What are the cost of your services?

A: Cost of services will depend on which program we determine is right for you and your dog. Email or Call Beth today to get started!


Q: Why do you require a phone consultation?

A: Beth feels that the best way to truly understand the help you need with your dog is by in-person conversation. This allows Beth to delve into what concerns you, and work with you to find the best program for you and your dog. 


Q: At what age should I start training? Is my dog too young/old?

A: Puppies should start training immediately! Setting consistent boundaries at a young age will help your pup develop a good sense of what it is you want from him. Early training in basic obedience will set the stage for your pups future. Contrary to the popular saying, an old dog CAN learn new tricks!  In fact, for older dogs with health issues, training is a good outlet when exercise is no longer an option due to health issues.


Q: What is your service area? Will you come to me if I am out of your service area?

A: We serve South Lake Tahoe and areas within a ~30 minute drive.  We serve Minden, Gardnerville, Carson City, Truckee, Incline Village, and other North Lake areas on a more limited basis.  Really want to work with us? We will travel out to you for an additional travel fee, determined by location. 


Q: Won't my dog get fat if I train with food?

A: No! When training with food is done properly your dog should not experience weight gain. Your dog has to eat on a daily basis-- I will show you how to use your dogs need to eat for your training needs! We will also work on using other reinforcement besides food, such as toys, playing, and praise.


Q: How often will I need to train my dog?

A: Daily training will give the best results.  But this is not as hard as it sounds.  I will show you how to incorporate training into your daily life in a fun, innovative way. In total you will only spend a few minutes "training", but because I will show you how to make it fun, it wont be a burden on your day!


Q: Will I still have my lesson if the weather is bad?

A: As long as it is safe to drive to you, Beth will not postpone your lesson.  If there is a storm that makes it unsafe to drive or get over a pass, Beth will reschedule your lesson at your convenience and offer phone/video chat lesson to do any troubleshooting you and your dog need until your next lesson.